Video 86
81. Shanti Gita - Class 81 - chapter 7- verse 31 -32
foreign [Music] [Music] oh Lord lead us from the unreal to the real lead us from Darkness to light and illumination lead us from death to immortality and even more shine in our hearts with your resplendent face on peace peace peace be unto us all right so we are in the seventh chapter of The Shanti Gita but because we are few days off so better to recapitulate little of this chapter rather than starting new verse we have to start the verse 31. but I will try to recal remember recapitulate what this chapter is for the original was asking bhagwan Shri Krishna that what is that Brahman what is his sign what you are talking about that the knowledge of people of knowledge understands that and knowing which are experiencing which I will know myself who am I please try to tell me that was the question of the seventh chapter started and bhagavan said there is in your heart there is a conscious entity and no that is your Atman and you know it by your very fine intellect and it is like you know the Infinite Space and the space of a jar it is all space that's why Brahman is the one absolute infinite when it is limited by name and form it is called individual soul but actually it is the infinite absolute Consciousness alone and then whatever you are seeing all right you are hearing you are watching behind that there is a consciousness and that is permitted everywhere so awareness of this universe you're seeing you're feeling you're experiencing any sense experienced objects these are all because of the conscious entity behind and no know that how to know you cannot know by your experience at the very beginning but by Bichara you know by analysis try to analyze who is the observer in you who is seeing things and then what is that by analysis understand what is the Consciousness behind and ultimately reach that Consciousness by intellectual understanding that what you are seeing it is not possible unless that Consciousness is there but you know it is not known possible to know Why without that consciousness therefore you have to only one thing to know this conscious entity which is behind all our experiences and it is to be done very diligently and with a very fine uh buddhi intellect not this gross intellect through which we eat sleep and they pass our days you have to be very sharp intellect to understand what is that I am seeing what is in me allowing me to see what is that I am hearing I am touching I am testing what is the Consciousness what is that allowing me to understand so these are the things to be analytically every day discussed and and come to the conclusion and that conclusion is called the Consciousness behind everything given the example in in different pots and pans is there only space this this house this Temple the temple space that bookstop that's the books of space that's a White House that's a space for leaving people living but space is the one as that one place similarly the Consciousness is only one they have given the example in thousands of lamps fire everywhere and fire is the only one thing though it is manifesting in thousands of lamps similarly thousands and millions of bodies may be there but there is behind that one Atman self it is called Consciousness it is eternal and they have given this type of example that in diverse types of Reservoir water is the only thing which is there everywhere like the diverse types of flowers there is only honey is there sense in everything like there may be infinite number of cane sugarcane sticks but Russia are the sugar the that is the one entity in on these diverse numbers of sugar cane sticks similarly chaitanya only the Consciousness that is revealing itself and that is the one absolute reality and in that absolute one full consciousness this has all this world has been imagined and it is imagine the entire universe has been imagined by Maya Maya is a technical term that covers our vision and does not allow us to see the conscious entity behind and he said this Foundation remaining the same discovering of ignorance makes it diverse and it appears to be so different than 24th Mercury rain is there he says that in that undivided absolute full where there is no touch of even the duality there is nothing but Apple's absolute shot so absolute reality existence sachidan on the short aspect is only is present there and this whole universe appears like a dream it is like but it is dream dream on what you are seeing God everywhere God is there but it's mental projection you are seeing the diversity therefore there is only one reality there is only one absolute reality which is called Brahman sachidanam nandam whose nature is absolute reality absolute Consciousness and absolute Bliss and it is non-dual that is the indicated truth all the scriptures are teaching us and that is beyond all sound safdartham it is aksaram sharatitam it is absolute unbroken and beyond all these changes and knowing that reality Brahma with even you give up your identity that I am a Noah of truth that Brahma abhimana the ego that also give up then last few verses we read because this ego that covers the sarupo and because of that you think that I that I is felt ego ego is felt because the Consciousness is covered by obiman egosense therefore what to do something you have to give up that ego sense and remain kevalam service staying in your own spiritual nature if you can do that that is called the ganam that is the knowledge of the realization this is when described by the yogis who have realized the truth experience the truth now they're giving verse number 30 we have read the other day is we have read that what does it mean when a person covered with a cotton quilt is resting in a dark room it appears as if nothing exists there neither the body you can see neither the quilt you can see think thus with certainty that your essential self alone is and nothing else exists that means day and night think that you are the Atman you are the consistentity behind all these perceptions and by that way you will be confirming yourself that you are Hartman U.S Roman now 31st verse what is the reading today says [Music] [Music] at that time when you do not see anything in this world of diversity you don't see anything but absolute one nope at that point of time You Don't See kinchit any nothing and vivahati sakshi satsayam only there is the existence means it is glowing in its own Nation they are shining they are shining only one thing manifesting only at that witness that consciousness everything goes away then you can feel that there is one entity that is shining entity the light of light and it's called the conscious entity that will remain only Smith now what remains that you only and you think I am that thinking this if you continue in the heart only that Revelation that light that effulgence will be felt it's a very wonderful idea we see in the world all these what is called name and form diversity we see and that that is called knowledge according to our secular experience of the world a person is called knowledgeable person who is a knowledgeable person who knows many things but the upanishad says knowing many is ignorance again ramakrishna says that knowing many is called ignorance act again knowing only one is the knowledge but who can again again I and and we appreciate the person who knows psychology who knows philosophy who knows science who knows of all types of different divisions of what you call knowledgeable subjects in the University you go how many topics how many subjects are there now studied benches branches branches branches subdivision we used to study in early days when it was 60 50 60 years past that time we used to study what physics chemistry mathematics bus and my chemistry is What organic chemistry and inorganic chemistry that's all at least I don't know our time this too and now oh my God you go to the chemistry chemical engineering is good no sorry chemistry added with engineering chemistry added with science different other aspects so it is infinite branches have been bifurcated into and we think oh it is called knowledge knowing this knowing that knowing that knowing that but into a spiritual science you know many means you are you are full no only one knowing which everything is known that's why upanishad says [Music] foreign what is that knowing we only that not only only knowing which everything else is known ah yes is there any science knowing which everything will be known yes there is that Consciousness know that Foundation of all experience is the consciousness who is that who is seeing the eyes don't see if the nervous system gets some damage I you know I cannot see anything is there man is capable of Performing everything okay your nervous system is okay okay brain no it is also good okay okay then then your mind is somewhere and I look like that I won't see anything so mind this is a factor so this depends on so many factors to perceive that but go back mind does not see who is behind the mind who says I have sinned what is that I who is that eye Consciousness what is that giving us the awareness that I saw a man so what is that I who is giving that I the authority to say I have sinned so this analysis if anyone does every day that is the foundation of all knowledge all science astronomy philosophy and metaphysics these that whatever you talk about everything is a knowledge but knowledge is possible because of the substratum or the foundation that consciousness that Consciousness percolates from that to the ego ego gets percolated by that Consciousness and then it reaches the buddhi intellect intellect gets percolated with the Consciousness saturated with the Consciousness goes down down down and comes to the eyes I see eyes I hear I see doctors does put some anesthesia bus you don't see anything you don't hear anything because they disconnect the mind on the nervous system they do the operation what they do big operations knee surgery hip surgery where it takes long time with chiseling and cutting and sawing and all these things like a piece of wood they do treat those these bones and things but you don't understand anything how body is going undergoing all the pain but the brain is not it is not communicated to the brain and brain is sleeping and behind that mind is sleeping you can have a good dream also that time no mind is sleeping so no dream so anyway point is that that what is that knowledge knowing one you know everything that is the fundamental knowledge that's why uh SRI ramakrishna neglected all this secular knowledge but he went to a great scientist he's a great scientist he didn't go to get Diversified knowledge but he penetrated into the Consciousness which is inside and he reached that Consciousness that's why whenever we find that he is having experience look at that all permitted light light light light light light and it's all bright and Brilliant and everything and he is gradually losing his outer Consciousness and Diving deep and merging into it huh so that is the conscious entity Foundation of all diverse experiences so he is the real scientist scientists want to find the unity in this diversity Oneness and he didn't spend any time for learning in your alphabet or even knowing other things anything it didn't interest he went to the foundation of all knowledge that is called the consciousness so at that point when your mind is so gone back back back back back to the witness consciousness behind all our perceptions then you don't see anything in the world yeah when they come back they see only Oneness you are seeing that one everywhere peace he says the ramakrishna ramakrishna ramakrishna everywhere what is that Christians sent Christ in the front Christ in the back Christ in the east to west below above so everywhere is he's seeing Christ the conscious light of consciousness so all the mystics when they go that to that depth to the foundation and there is nothing diversity remains that's why not does not see anything there no object and only one object like they see only water they don't look at the Ripple wave bubble foam not in these diverse names they only that's why it's called knowing all this is only knowing the name name only now uh then the Narada went to the teacher the teacher said oh you know this science that science is only you know the name you don't know what is their sense of it so when this diversity stops you do not see anything then what happens sakshi sat ayam bhati then you see witness who is witnessing everything he does not do anything he only his only job to witness he does not get involved into anything only observing all the incidents of Life whatever comings happiness misery pleasure pain anger frustration depression upset death life is all the Observer so that is unchanged and that is sakshi and that is shocked that is the Eternal reality and that's why am I am that sexy not this body body is observed by the eyes eyes are observed like that observed observable so dig this shot the subject object subject object so here there are signs only what what size sakshi the witness the witness big or big Witness we called in the devotion language of devotion we called God but in foreign witness Consciousness that is the only reality and I am that Rupa Shiva shivoham they say I am of the nature of Ananda Consciousness then please so that they say two words but they are not three things they are trying to indicate one Eternal absolute truth which they Express in these three words just to let us understand a bit of that reality because we live in the level of body mind and that is the state Beyond body level and mind level so how we will be able to gasp an idea now how will you get it that Consciousness is me it is not separate from me I am thinking I am this but I am feeling this because of that Consciousness and that Consciousness is me only that's why the greatness of the mahabhakas Great dictums I Am Brahman the why it is so important you know the Brahman but why to identify I am Brahman because this identification should come I am not the body then what am I am not the mind but what am I then to yet to say I am not the body not the mind but I am that consciousness that witness that Eternal witness and there is nothing but me hurt me this is our fundamental um problem is that whenever I say I me we think of the body but it comes first but they are not talking about body they're talking about something which is beyond body and this body idea drops up at a certain point body idea mind idea one man one after another will drop drop drop will remain alone that's why it is called sakshi Chita cable or need that only one remains so that is the fundamental point which is everyday spiritual aspirant should try not to see many but to see one in the many there is a sadhana and when one reaches that point and comes down they spontaneously see the inside of all as the conscious entity they don't seem any oh yeah after the realization of Brahman he says where did it go ES who is that great personality take away all this Duality from me were dissolved where disappeared this world foreign just just even seeing in ignorance this diverse Universe Sun Moon Stars human being all this crowd all this talk all this news media these that and this gun Master Kim they're starting all this what a surprise so this is the surprise to a seer of Truth there's this diverse Universe of so much love hatred good bad Life Death question of suffering this that why did it disappear it was never with me and I see that I alone abide that means there is a book Sami Atman alone abides by Sami what is his name he was born in Holland and he came to New York and saw Swami Vivekananda and also Swami turiana was this guide much more guidance from him so he that that is the Atman alone abides there is nothing but the Atman that is the only reality so therefore when you do not see anything no bhati that there is science nothing only what bhati the sakshi SAT Siam there's only reflects or one only shine spot the shakshi witness and that is sat that is the Eternal substance and that is sayam and you are that Siam that light is not separate from you a new day and night think as a student of vedanta I am that light that ever Shining Light it is eternal all the time it is morning time it was there with me noontime it was there then all the activity time it is here talking now it is here I go to sleep that time it is here I dream that time it is here that is me all the time it's a big spiritual practice and people think that only doing Japan and the rosary that is the sadhana here that if one part of this but this is the vedantic sadhana day and night we aware I am that Consciousness I am that Consciousness not this activity is what is going on I Am The Observer of that and I am that with this the reality of my own self I am that and I am that self so that only science inside 32 words [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] we have to connect it with as myself if I can see that it is a practice every day then I cannot hate anyone because I I am that and there comes the one spiritual journey starts there so this is when one can totally give up the association then of this name and form this objective Universe I am that remains only cable only only your own spiritual nature remains you remain there only in your spiritual dignity buddhi Dharma our intellect says it is here it is not here I understand I don't understand these are all your nature of your buddhi understanding or intellect intellect can understand this Duality it is here it is not here I understand I don't understand all these things in your buddhi only that means it is happening in the intellectual level you are not the intellect you are the witness of the intellect so Austin Buddhism so whatever comes as a nature of your you being an intelligent person or you are a person with some sort of affirmative quality to to some instrument in us there is something which I found things mind cannot confirmed the thing mind is indecisive something comes to the Mind mind presents its buddhi intellect intellect then he quickly can scan like your computer you ask one word and you search in Google and Google Indian brings how many results hundreds and thousands of results at a time so buddhi also does this this quickly and it it represents something as confound yes I saw it before this is this so This is called the table this is called the lamp so this is happening it's the buddhi Dharma so Buddhism with all effort all yourself try to give up whatever your concept comes it is here it is not here their none object of the universe what is apparently changing it is not there with this conviction you remain you remain only in Your Divine self when all associations are completely renounced one's own self that is essential and uncompounded in nature alone remains therefore one should completely give up the idea a property of the intellect that of existence and non-existence we say this is here this object is here I am here all existence as some say it is not here go both the concept of existence and non-existence give up everything the only hold on to that consciousness a very fine area very it cannot be just explained to this language it is just a point of meditation I I'm experiencing look at that from morning till now how many thing we experienced maybe one million one billion how many things we have seen how many leaves we have seen how many trees we have seen how many times I look at the sky I saw the Dark Cloud I saw the rain falling every experience every Spirit second what is happening these are buddhi Dharma happening in the intellect intellect is saying I understand this is called this this is called this this buddhi Dharma is to be totally abundant we go beyond buddhi we are doing to the Buddha level we have to jump out of that buddhi level and go to the witness level and that witness permeates everything that witness gives us the perception of this universe so to go back to our home Eternal home as witness Consciousness so this whole book is trying to teach us that methodology to reach that Eternal Consciousness not to get stuck into the buddhi Dharma it means the characteristics which the Buddha our intellect presence before us Buddhist nature is to only differentiate that is the Buddhism nature you know which we say sometimes oh he's yeah he's a fool meaning his buddhi cannot separate out this and that in my material world also people criticize them who cannot separate out one thing from the other thing array you don't understand this simple logic people talk about when they talk about philosophy and other things any issue they come is then the mental level and mind cannot decide it goes to buddhi buddhi determines Buddha says it is good that's why you go in that path the person comes with a gun and runs after someone his buddhi is saying this is good hit him huh so people hate that buddhi guides us everything that's why a Hindus practice every day oh Lord please please help me guide my buddhi you know this Buddhism buddhi says the spiritual life is good and Buddha says I am here what is nonsense let me go and enjoy something outside outside someone they think what is that it is better to go to the monastery all right a simple buddhi buddhi intellect is such a factor that it is controlling us totally our whole life is controlled by your buddhi you you what is the bhagavad-gita is meant that understanding the confirmed Buddhist confirmed understanding buddhi Buddhism you die saying whose Buddha does not get entangled with the objects there is the pure buddhi will be only seeing that what is the behind all this perception that Consciousness Buddhism behind is the Consciousness and in front is the objective Universe when the objective universe is here you see the diversity and Buddha decides this is good this is bad therefore buddhi Dharma osti nasty in the buddhi the nature of the activity of the buddhi there is it says it is here it is not here I like it I dislike it I want it I don't want it all these things are done in our intellect intellect guides us our whole life is Guided by intellect we call bad intelling bad bad guidance his mind is clouded mind giving a wrong direction and good understanding so all these are to be understand that your whole universe our concept is depending on our buddhi our understanding about the object but behind that is the self-privalent Atman here and that is the foundation of all experience now second 32 verses also same idea is being carried out it says [Music] BCG means giving up totally giving up um I the ego identity completely totally i i i intellect and now they're coming to Ego ego is the next Superior to our understanding I understand understanding my understanding I so here he said this I ego identity completely totally tattoo are giving up you know in all possible ways ego ramakrishna said also ego ego is like a yeah a sticky thing you put you try to take out from one thing and it gets stuck into the other thing so ego is very delicate area and he said that ego is like a branch of a tree you cut it but within few days you find again Sprouts are coming from there branches are again generated there so it is very bit difficult to cut the ego that's why ramakrina said let that ego remain like a rascal ego let it be like a servant ego I am the servant of God and vedanta will say I am that Divine God I am that Divine this is both I am the servant of God that's also ego gets zero I am the servant I am no entity I am a servant of God that's the zero identity ego and I am that everything here also this ego is gone so both place takes us to the same realization so it is then buddhi understanding about so many things and knowing all these things all the nature of buddhi buddhi is always determinating faculty of our mind and we trust on our Buddha too much we always if we don't take any advice from others why and I understand my buddhi I trust too much that's why he said don't trust your buddhi too much trust the buddhi with the holy people the same sensages will be purified so that we read the first number 32 talking about buddhi and buddhi Dharma intellect and its corresponding Behavior understanding and relative knowledge about the universe which Buddha guides us and buddhi directs us so give up that Buddhism now we are saying another step very very fine Step crossing the buddhi only last step is called ahang ego sohams day and nights not me not me not me not me if you are a devotee say Not Me O Lord I am not the body not the mind not the intellect I am that Consciousness say sarva sarb giving up that ego identity with sarva totally with wholeheartedly totally giving up the identity with the ego with the objective universe and Body Mind Etc almost meet the I am that it is substance I am only manifesting in the form of the whole world and this vedantic highest experience foreign be what you are that's very so you have to give up the EGO totally and ego with what not with the conscious entity but the ego which is attached to this material universe and specifically this body this mind my position foreign the whole human World humankind lives on this one I and mine um and mind me and mind my house my building my car my thing my money my thing I and me I I I I me me me that is what when I I is gone oh Lord it is you you you spiritual so it is to to discard the ego level discard the intellect level that these are not me that is called the real intelligence that intelligence is called real intelligence not the intelligence to cheat someone that is that also needs great talent to cheat someone to steal others property to give wrong argument and win the situation so this is not that we are talking about so much I I am that only and I am Mommy I am getting manifested in this B B Street this idea of identification with others and identifying with my real self Only You Be Yourself you be yourself having totally announced the ego identity forever completely in all possible modes and having let go the idea that I am and I am in this I am that manifested Universe be uncompounded that means don't get mixed with this world you are on tainted absolute one no mixed Duality is a mixture absolute one is the reality so be that that is the third so I can end here they say 32 verse okay any question you are a you are here yeah good please loud little bit I feel like yeah whenever really I went through it a lot of different aspects depression uh as well as like positives it's like almost went back to nothingness and but in that in that place it was like it wasn't bad but but it also wasn't what what I viewed as a positive it was just empty and um that's where I feel like that that kind of stuff a journey and experience uh today is I hear I I hear about the Consciousness asking um question did you understand what he said um that's a that's true but emptiness if you say I was feeling emptiness that there is somebody I who is feeling that emptiness just think now whatever to know emptiness there is some knowledge is necessary without that you cannot know so to no emptiness you say I felt emptiness meaning there is some Consciousness behind that emptiness the very deeper subject so we have to contemplate that no because it is here I understand that is it is not here I understand that means there is some consciousness which understands it easier which says it is not here to have not a negative there is the presence of some Consciousness is necessary that is the difference between Buddhism and Hinduism there's no difference but intellectual difference when you say negate everything everything and everything and no it's nothing but who says nothing if you say I negate everything and ultimately there is void if you say Boyd who is experiencing that poet who is saying it is void that because somebody should be there to feel it is void you need somebody to be witness of that boredness this is a very sharp distinction that means text says you experience whatever you experience yes present not present good bad nothing you experience to Who is the experiencer you cannot get out without that experiencer who experiences it is void I experience it is void so there is I so that I you catch that is with you it is not that's the beauty of vedanta that it does not have to go anywhere else you will be able to respond to your questions yeah right okay we end our class eye of push I have ended still did not officially so it is okay we end our prayer Om Shanti Shanti Shanti anyhow tomorrow will be 7 30 again we hear gospel class Gospel of ramakrishna we will be reading here and now we go to the another question given Brahman and Shakti are one why such insistence giving two names to the one making Brahman as witness calling him purist when the same one also is responsible performing of the three gunas and the world very good question Brahman and sakthi are one if we understand then this question does not come because we are hearing this that Brahman and sukti are one that's why we are giving two names because I don't understand I don't understand Brahman I don't understand Shakti but when I see the manifestation we call it Shakti but where did it come from is out of minus Brahman no Brahman to Ocean waves don't come out of nothing waves cannot come without ocean the ocean is the substratum Brahman and the waves and ripples of the Shakti where two names where two names for us who don't understand to a person of knowledge it is ocean ocean with wave ocean without wave so that is your I think we do it we use this term because we don't understand to take the rishis helped us to take our self to these examples to that Oneness what we are all seeking for and when one understands that then there is nothing impure in the world there is gunas these that these are all joy and charm when we know that this ocean is playing in his different waves and it is dancing from this saint to that end so that's a joyful thing but if you don't know ocean is separate waves are separate yes for us ignorant people they say yes it is Shakti of the ocean so do punishers help us to go to the foundation of this manifested universe manifestation is on the waves and ripples go to the foundation of that the ocean you see but then you know understanding that is who is the wave different from the ocean is it a part of the ocean but yes it is nothing but ocean so when that knowledge comes that is the absolute knowledge but when we are not reached that level where I see The Duality so I know it is wave is different we we rarely think of ocean when we focus our attention on the waves our attention goes on the waves only so name and form is the wave but it is standing on the foundation of Brahman so Brahman and sakti are one but but I don't understand that's why these sages are using the two terms so that we go from the Shakti the manifestation to the foundation of that Shakti the motion and then we find oh it is not too different it is the one on one form and another form this is the uh super writing this is the response another question surely she really sometimes I imagine the self Capital as perfect Stillness while this body ages thoughts rise and fall and the whole world swirls about this self it is like the rainbow of oil that shifts on water is sadhana because is sadhana it is like the rainbow of oil that ships on water he is sadhana because Brahman pervades completely it does not differentiate between appearance because there is no separation possible I think the sometimes I imagine this cell capital is as perfect Stillness while this body ages you know when you think of the Atman the body question does not remain at all and if you think the body yes body is changing all the time but Atman never changes because you look at that from our childhood I say hi hi it has never become old the child I am two days I it is the same eye only the eye is standing and so many experiences are going childhood experience adulthood experience old age experience all are coming and going coming and going so it is stillness this ratman is unchanging that's why sometimes I it is a good imagination that I am the self and perfectly still nothing happening there no change there but the body is changing don't stop there body is changing look at the mind how mind is changing here and meditation you see you are the self still unchanging reality and meditate your mind is going to New York to Boston to Providence to here and there no running running running so you do not observe it yes You observe it so think I am the unchanging self and these are the things mind is moving here and there so Observer not only of the body body is aging body is changing mind is aging mind is changing we are not remaining in the child's mind suppose a baby how they their world is different world they take it to doll and think that doll my baby baby is sick and they are crying baby has become sick they live in a different world their mind is not the same mind of today's mind so mind is changing body is changing so all these changes are happening and I am the unchanging none moved that still Consciousness that's a good idea huh thank you [Music] actions are gross form of our thoughts okay as far as I understand religion requires oneself to purify oneself even at the thought level of course when the present Society has mostly no control over its actions itself how hopeful does it look to expect that it could regulate it at the thought level you know the the thought level yes everything is changing in the thought level no people think one way that's why they they suppose this country is run by whom some people who are thinking about the welfare of the country in one way some senators are thinking one way some senators are thinking that way they go into boat and then some resolution passed that is in the thought level so this whole manifested world is an expression of the thought what you think that manifest so this thought should be purified uh this thinking as far as I understand religion requires oneself to purify oneself right we are to purify even at the thought level yes physical level mentally physically we should be pure or think holy thoughts physically do holy old job work mentally think holy thoughts but the question is that present Society has mostly no control over its actions itself how hopeful does it look to expect yes it can change if if the people who are ruling the country who are in power their thought changes that's why the moral values spiritual values if it is injected into the mind of the people who are actually in power the third current will manifest as a good product in the society so it depends on actually thought what is the thought current that is the expression someone thought that here will be a temple first he thought and the thought manifested later on in this Temple so someone can think I will kill I will destroy the Twin Tower that's also thought it happened in the thought level and then see what happened afterwards in action it came out so the every person can think this way negative way positive way so spiritual life even for society is good one should think positively if people start thinking positive thoughts more good will come an individual spiritual life does not depend on that spiritual life what the world thinks that is their business my thought should be divine my thoughts should be uplifted my thought will think of the witness Consciousness behind so it is individual sadhana individual practice okay okay thank you all for being in this discussion and we'll see you again tomorrow Om Shanti Shanti Shanti peace peace peace